Importing Your Samples
There are only 9 available fields that can be imported into the program. The program only needs to set the formatting once, therefore once the formatting is complete the user will not be asked to format the file again. You can still format it if your LIMS output changes for some reason. The file must be in "CSV" format for the program to be able to import it. If there is any "header" information in the file this can be stripped out by clicking the check box [1] at the top of the page. Once the file is opened by the program the above window will display. To assign a field to a column click in the column head area [2] and an overlay window will display.
From the overlay window click the matching field. Once all fields you want to be assigned to the import file have been used, click the [Check] button. This will check if the fields have the correct formatting before saving the format to the import. If there is a field that should be a [Number] or [Decimal] number and instead has a [Alpha-numeric] format the program will not accept the field mapping. To correct the incorrect field assignment click the column head area [2] and then click the [Field] button that is highlighted. This will clear the column ready for re-assignment.
Carousel Number
| The number of the carousel to be used
| Number. Only 1-4 allowed
Batch ID
| The batch ID of the sample
| Alpha-numeric
Sample ID
| The sample ID of the sample
| Alpha-numeric
Part Num
| Other sample identifier information
| Alpha-numeric
Sample Weight
| The weight of the sample
| Decimal x.xxxx
| The position in the carousel
| Number. Only 1-48 allowed
| The standard [Name] as input on the [Standards] page
| Alpha-numeric
Analysis Method
| The analysis method [Name] to be used as input on the [Analysis Methods] page
| Alpha-numeric
| The sample description for the sample
| Alpha-numeric
The following screen gives an example of all fields mapped to the imported file.
Once all fields have been mapped and accepted by the program, close the window by clicking the button [3] to exit the setup. Return back to the [Sample Details] screen and your samples should now be visible with all sample attributes from the imported file.